I'll tell you about what happened me in my beloved (yes, sarcasm) scholar establisment. Not the best anecdote I would ever have in here, but anyways... I need to get rid of my career's confusion.
Here we go. Done was, several days ago, an internet test requested by the "Universidad de Lobolandia" [Yes, Lobita Nocturna... your beloved state came to mine]. It was a piece of cake for me, because it was those well-known vocational shits about your future carrer, the wise election in our youthness and that kind of universities' propaganda and it included a Raven test; in few words I can tell you I can easily get through those little ones, so no problem
Until... today. [Dramatic background music]
In the second recess, I went with Engel by my side to the school's pseudo library to talk with the "certified psicologists" about the results they got and printed for our visual pleasure, pain and delight. I was expecting to receive some news like "Dude, you'll be as great as hell in your medicine way of life. May the force be with you, mambo jambo, blablabla" BUT surprised I was when they gave me the, unfortunate, notice that I would be better studing some Humanistic stuff rather than Health Sciencies shit... O_______O
Bricks were shat [in my mind] after hearing those lacerating words. My freaking Christ... I felt screwed and mind-fucked until last hour [I was 3 hours likely with that sensation] when granpa' came for me and I went to home to read a little of Howard Phillips Lovecraft [by the way, check out my "Lectura Actual de Reinhardt" section :3], take a bath and unleash (ok, no... xD) my thoughts in my blog.
And Thou Shalt Trust...
*Modern Expression: This is not neccesarely the case of a truly Mindfuck, yet I used this modern expression to tell you about the disturbing sensation a University's test gave some hours ago because [Oh mein Gott] bricks I was to shat D:
Te ayudaré, "carrer" es en realidad "career" y a "reccess" le sobra una c.
ResponderBorrarOh, si entendi. Y si te decides por medicina, suerte con eso.
See ya.
PD. Conoces una buena palabra (en inglés, claro) que suene como "Loving", casi lo suficiente como para confundirlas?
Hey, man :D Gracias por corregirme mis horrores horrográficos [sic] anglosajones. En vista de que fueron 2 correcciones, te di ya un par de Reinpuntos [nombre preliminar xD], puedes checarlos en el Listado de Correctores http://laude-vitae.blogspot.com/p/listado-de-correctores.html de este blog :)
ResponderBorrarEn cuanto a tu PD:
¿Qué tal probar con "coving", "roving" [veo muy probable esa] o de plano "Unloving"?
¡Gracias por comentar, corregir y preguntar! n.n