Folletos ecológicos

miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013

Hugh 'em all!

Today, in the Universität aus Wölfinland, I made an social experiment involving [as you may expect] hughs. Whether you like them or not, it is a medical fact that these ones liberates an hormone called oxytocin which [besides another effects] can make you feel a little but significant level of bliss (haha, that's THE word from a book called Forbidden: Book of Mortals, which I am reading). So, in easy terms, hughing makes you feel good.

In that case, why not to hugh people in a random way while making a social experiment?

The "rules" are quite easy and of course can be changed according your needs :)

1.- You, probably a teenager/young studying, will have to make a list of all your male or female comrades in order to keep track of who have you hughed. I would suggest to take a clipboard for checking easily n.n

2.- Then, you need to wait until the right moment to ram at your prey or something like that... Haha, what I mean is that you can not hugh someone between classes :P You obviously do not want to get it troublez, huh?

3.- When the moment comes, you just go and say something like: "Hey, sup'! Gimme a hugh" [while giving a sincere smile] or "Salutations, appreciated partner in this marvelous institution. I would be totally pleased if thy mercy could givest ye armes for blissing our paths in life" [do not forget the britishly accent]. Have it your way.

4.- The action begins! If the target accedes, well, don't be shy/rude and make a great huge. Then you can peacefully check your list. [Please don't do it backwards, with the checking first and the hugh at last... I believe it would not be nice]

4,5.- If the other person refuses, well xD You are fucked up Say thanks anyways and, in Cthulhu's fucking love, do not ask reasons ewe [or at least not it public... it would be a embarrasing moment]. Keep in mind that it is not a valid hugh if you "rob" it D:< Both of you have to agree, m'kay?

5.- After working out your deltoids muscles in class, check your list again :) I bet you'll get success in this task.

Or at least, that happened to me in my classroom :D

So, let me give you and myself the "Official Rein's Hughs Game" level chart *D* [claps: ON]

Forever Alone: Yourself.

n00b: Relatives and so on.

Easy: Your lifetime friends [I mean... they won't deny you a hugh]

Medium: Your entire classroom [Well, sometimes you won't get along with everypony]

Hard: Your whole generation [In my case, that would be the 4 classrooms :P]

Brutal: Your whole faculty [In my case, the complete medicine faculty]

Imposible: All your fuckin' University, College, School of whatever [implying they're more than one thousand]

Fuck this!: Why not the same as Imposible, but in other University [or related]?

[Insert fancy name here]: Your whole city. No failures.

*Sighs* Let's finish this saying that I have only accomplished the medium level, now my target is to get it on hard, hahaha :3

See you later, I will be around here more frecuently. I do not promise n.n
Take care, be happy and may the success go with you.

Kyrie, Ignis Divine, Eleison

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