Folletos ecológicos

domingo, 27 de julio de 2014

Mercyful halfsleeper


Mercy appears as a bullet with a personal touch: Your A name engraved into its cold, metal body. Inside a cold, metal revolver. Below a cold, metal bed. Lying in a cold, metal building.

Simple as a it comes, the shiny tridmensional form rises upon a pitch-black abyss with a microdimensional dawn at the end of the gun's circular-shaped mouth.

You stare deeply into it, as the razor-sharp air is cutting your insides in this beautiful morning whose sun is shy and tries not to disturb you that much while peeking in your window.

It has a chilling effect on you: Promotes inner peace at a quite low price. You can't always find a sales on these old-fashioned weapons of the last ages where people were actually alive.

In this time, you were nothing but a living corpse dumped in this modern graveyard of time. Nothing bad, not even noticeable: There were a lots like you and they didn't mind at all. 

In fact, maybe I am one of those rotting zombies which roam into the bright darkness that surrounds this realm.

In fact, am I an awake being? How could I measure my level of awareness?

Yet, you may say I am a demi-dormeur (concept that fancy french whose surname I can't recall once told me) or a halfsleeper, in modern english; a person who isn't awake yet it is realizing it isn't asleep as well. 

The passenger between two worlds, quite away, falling into the endless void of non-existence.


You fell asleep.

And suddenly the alarm's clock appeared as fast as your sudden realization:

... yet I pulled the trigger for you, giving away a personal piece of mercy, the parachute for the endless void you were trapped in.

No need to thank me... yet, you didn't tell me nothing anyways.


Parce que je t'aimé beaucoup que je t'ai envoyé ma seule fils, dont le nom tu as partagé avec elle, à te racheter de ce monde du péché où nous deux vivons.

Maintenant, je me trouve seule sans toi ni elle, comme le solitaire demidormeur pieux qui a devenu fou grâce à la balle de mon sang...


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